Subaru Impreza Owners Suffering With Windshield Film Problem

July 14, 2010
By: Robert Silverman

It’s this weird oily substance that seems to pop out of nowhere and its affecting people’s visibility on the roads….no it’s not the blob.  It appears to be a windshield film problem occurring in hundreds of Subaru Impreza vehicles.

At first glance, service managers may give Impreza owners a look when they complain about the filmy buildup, but the manufacturer has issued a technical service bulletin, and we have resolved several cases in our office dealing with the situation.  We have heard a variety of excuses for the problem, and in most cases service managers are cleaning the affected areas.  This clean up provides little or no relief with the film coming back anywhere from 2-4 weeks later.

If you are experiencing this problem, please call us at 1 800 LEMON LAW (1-800-536-6652) or fill out our Get Rid Of Your Lemon Worksheet and we will be glad to discuss your situaiton with you and provide advice on how we can help.