Victorious! Three 1 800 LEMON LAW Trial Wins In Last Two Weeks

May 17, 2013
By: Robert Silverman

When searching for a Lemon Law Firm, it is essential that you find counsel with extensive litigation experience.  While a majority of our cases do settle to our client’s satisfaction through pre-litigation, there are others where either the manufacturer tries to low-ball the consumer or they do  not offer anything at all.  If we feel a consumer has been wronged and we have the ammunition to back it up, we have no problem going to battle against these billion dollar car companies–at absolutely no cost to the consumer.  And we are thrilled to announce three 1 800 LEMON LAW trial wins  that have taken place in the last 2 weeks!

Our Western Pennsylvania Lemon Law Managing Associate Christina Gill Roseman secured two victories back to back in Allegheny County.  In the first case, our client’s 2009 Chrysler truck was having significant paint issues where the paint would flake off just from being exposed to water in a garden hose.  The client requested numerous times for Chrysler to repaint the truck but they refused.  The jury agreed with Christina that this was a breach of warranty and awarded our client $15,000 in damages, plus attorney fees.  Best of all, our client gets to keep their truck and get it painted the right way.

The second case involved a 2009 Hyundai Sonata and transmission troubles that started to plague the client after the first year of ownership.  Christina argued the dealership misled our client about the repairs done to her car and even falsified several service records.  The jury agreed, awarding the client $11,300 in damages, plus attorney fees,  for violation of the Pennsylvania Unfair Trade Practices Act and Consumer Protection Law.   This client also gets to keep their car.

Across the bridge, New Jersey Lemon Law Senior Associate and Certified Trial Attorney Fred Davis argued a breach of warranty claim against Chrysler.  The client, who received a very small settlement offer prior to trial, received $7,500 in damages, plus attorney fees.  They too get to keep their car.

If you have been back to the repair shop repeatedly for the same problems under an original or extended manufacturers warranty, it is important that you fight for your rights.  Feel free to call us at 1 800 LEMON LAW or e-mail us and we will be glad to review your situation to determine if your claim has merit.