It Pays To Listen: Man Tunes In & Wins $7k.

September 12, 2008
By: Robert Silverman

We frequently mention our TV and radio appearances on the blog, with the hope that consumers will tune in and learn.  Automotive Consumer Advocate Michael Sacks, 1-800 LEMON LAW Director of Communications, recently joined Spencer Graves on WDEL’s Consumer Hotline, when a call came in from a distressed driver with a Volvo XC90.  He had close to 50,000 miles on his vehicle and he was constantly complaining about a transmission problem.  The dealer was being as helpful as possible; they replaced several components but after a while, they told him it was “a normal characteristic of the vehicle.”  The listener did not know what to do; he loves his vehicle but he thought he was entitled to something for his problem. Michael asked the listener to forward his repair invoices to him Monday morning.

Michael reviewed the invoices with the 1-800-LEMON LAW legal team and it turned out the listener had a strong claim under the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act.  Three weeks later, he settled his claim for $7,000, plus he gets to keep his vehicle, the extended warranty is in full effect (so if there is a transmission problem, Volvo is obligated to fix it), and the car is not branded in any way, shape or form.  Needless to say, our client was very happy.

This comes on the heels of Ernie from Wilkes Barre, PA who called when he heard Michael on WILK News Radio. He had already gotten rid of his Land Rover after he suffered numerous problems and he wanted to know if we could do anything.  He sent in his paperwork and Lemon Law Attorney Jacqueline Herritt succeeded in getting him $5,000. Ernie received $5,000 just for listening, and faxing in a few papers!  And, of course, neither consumer paid a dime for our legal help.

Remember, never be afraid to ask for help.  If you want to see if you have a potential lemon law or breach of warranty claim, click here and we will get in touch with you promptly.  And remember, to keep an eye on our blog for our next TV and/or radio appearance.