April 2, 2007
By: Robert Silverman
Congratulations to our Founding Partner Bob Silverman, who for the third year in a row, has been named New Jersey Super Lawyer in a recent study by Law & Politics Magazine. The findings were published in the April 2007 edition of New Jersey Monthly. Bob is the only lemon law lawyer in New Jersey to receive this distinction.
Attorneys throughout the state were asked to vote for the most effective attorneys they have personally observed in action, with the top vote getters being named Super Lawyers. Only five percent of all attorneys statewide received this honor. Silverman was recognized for building New Jersey’s first full-service lemon law firm and assisting more than 40,000 distressed drivers with cost-free legal representation. Kimmel & Silverman attorneys argue in Courts in all counties throughout Southern, Central and Northern New Jersey. As a result of his efforts, New Jersey judges invited Bob to train mediators and arbitrators on how to hear Lemon Law cases in a series of statewide workshops.
In addition to this honor, Bob had been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer along with his Partner Craig Kimmel and Managing Attorney Jacqueline Herritt. Congrats!
If you live in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, or Ohio, feel free to call us at 1-800-LEMON LAW (1-800-536-6652), and we’ll be happy to answer your questions, address your concerns, and – if applicable – file a claim on your behalf. If we are able to help, there is no cost to you at any time!