Kia Sorento Rough Idle Issue Is Driving Folks Crazy

April 18, 2013
By: Robert Silverman

Last year, right around this time, we wrote about a steering problem with the Kia Sorento, with many cars pulling to the right or to the left, wearing out the tires. This year, drivers are complaining of a Kia Sorento rough idle issue. Message boards have been popping up on a variety on on-line forums with Sorento drivers commiserating over the situation and what it causing the problem to occur.

If you are suffering with a rough idle, make sure you make an appointment with a Kia-authorized dealer to have the matter addressed. If possible, we also suggest taking the service adviser on a test drive so they can verify the defect and its frequency. Make sure you receive a repair invoice each and every time you go to the dealer which outlines the mileage in, mileage out and what was done to address the issue.

In addition to the rough idle, we are also receiving calls from Kia Sorento drivers complaining of intermittent no start, electrical problems, check engine lights and defective brakes. If you find yourself going back to a Kia authorized dealer three or more times for the same issue, or your vehicle is in the shop for an extended period of time, it is essential that you look into your rights under State Lemon Laws and Federal Warranty Statutes. You could be looking at a complete refund, a brand new car, or significant monetary compensation to reflect the diminished value of the car as a result of the problem.

If you are dealing with a Kia Sorento rough idle, or any other issue, fill out our Get Rid of Your Lemon form. We will be glad to review your situation and figure out if/how we can help.