Chevrolet Sonic Transmission & Steering Problems On The Rise

October 16, 2012
By: Robert Silverman

Are you having Transmission & Steering Problems with your Chevy?

We have previously discussed the starting problems experienced by Chevrolet Sonic drivers, however that is not the only problem Sonic drivers are experiencing. We are getting a number of calls to the 1800 LEMON LAW hotline from Sonic drivers and although the defects and complaints vary, we notice a strong pattern from clients complaining of major Chevrolet Sonic transmission shifting issues, as well as instability and swaying on the highway. Both of these conditions present major safety hazards and we don’t think GM has a fix at this time.

One of our recent Sonic clients just purchased her car seven months ago. The car was already returned for three ineffective repairs for severe transmission issues as well as four times for bad swaying and instability on the highway.

To repair the Chevrolet Sonic transmission issue, first the GM Dealership tried to blame slightly over-filled fluid which is drained and refilled (not the cause). Next the dealer performed  a PCM (power control module) shift adapt relearn (not the cause). Next, once the dealer and GM realized they couldn’t fix the issue, they declared the shifting “normal.”

For the instability and swaying on the highway, the Chevrolet Dealership first removed a belly pan to evaluate for wobble but failed to indicate its findings or repairs made. Next, the dealership service manager compared the Sonic to another identical one and determined our client’s feels “loose.” The client returned for another visit and steering stabilizer links were replaced along with upper strut mounts and a strut. When this doesn’t fix the issue, a fourth repair visit for instability on the highway was scheduled and now GM declares the very condition its own dealer finds as “loose” on the highway as “normal.”

Sadly, the Sonic claims continue to mount and it does not appear that General Motors has any idea on how to address the transmission or steering problems.  If your Chevrolet Sonic has been in the shop either repeatedly or for an extended period of time, it’s important you look into your Lemon Law rights.  Feel free to fill out our Get Rid of Your Lemon form so we can assess the situation and figure out if and how we can help.