Many Chevrolet Malibu drivers are being hit with an unexpected surprise almost immediately after buying the car—their check engine light turns on. The Chevrolet Malibu check engine light issue is most prevalent with 2016 models, but we have been receiving a number of calls from mad Malibu owners on the LEMON LAW hotline.
At this time, it appears GM does not yet have a fix for the Chevrolet Malibu check engine light. According to the Car Complaints Blog, dealerships presume multiple causes for the flashing light including:
- Engine Misfries
- Piston damage
- Unknown Causes
- Faulty Fuel Pump
- Engine and Transmission issues
As a result of the Chevrolet Malibu check engine lights, many drivers have returned to their dealer again and again for a fix and sadly no real solution. If you are experiencing problems where your Malibu check engine light comes on multiple times shortly after buying the vehicle, visit your nearest dealership immediately. Every time the check engine light comes on, take a picture or video with your smart phone documenting the light and the mileage. After every repair visit, even if they say the car is operating to specifications, make sure you obtain an invoice. Make sure you keep these invoices, photos, and videos in a safe place.
If you’ve had repetitive visits to the dealer addressing your Chevrolet Malibu check engine light problems, and/or your vehicle has been in the shop an extended period of time, please email us or call, 1 800 LEMON LAW (1 800 536 6652). You could be entitled to a repurchase, new vehicle, or significant monetary compensation under State or Federal law. And best of all, help is 100% cost-free. If you are dealing with check engine lights, it’s time you learn about your rights. Call or email us today to discuss your situation and how we can help.