Buick Is Playing Games with LaCrosse Drivers

August 24, 2010
By: Robert Silverman

We are getting calls on the 1800 LEMON LAW hotline from quite a few Buick LaCrosse drivers with steering problems.  It appears that consumers are suffering from noise in their steering or front end, which can be verified by General Motors but cannot be fixed.  At this point, GM service personnel are telling consumers that they are aware of the problem, but they do not have a solution at this time.

If you are experiencing a problem similar to this, make an appointment with the service personnel at your local Buck dealer as soon as possible.  See if the service department can verify the noise and perhaps diagnose it.  If the dealer tells you a fix is not available, you must get their stance in writing.  We still encourage you to contact another Buck dealer to get a second opinion.  It sometimes helps to have a fresh pair of eyes examining the situation.

If you are suffering from the LaCrosse steering situation and are not getting the help needed to fix the problem, give us a call at 1800 LEMON LAW (1-800-536-6652) or e-mail us a brief synopsis of your situation.  We will be glad to go over your issue with you to determine if/how we can help.