Bang Bang Bang Goes The Tranny…

February 6, 2009
By: Robert Silverman

We are receiving many calls on the 1-800 LEMON LAW hotline from folks who are suffering significant transmission problems, where the vehicle is having troubles going from one gear to another.  Most notably, we have taken several Ford Explorer cases this week. In two of these cases, they were in for transmission repair significant times under warranty and now, they are out of warranty and have to pay for a new transmission.

Folks, if your vehicle is younger than six years old, and you have been in three or more times under your original or extended warranty for transmission repair, we may be able to help.  Under State and/or Federal Law, you could very well be entitled to monetary damages to reflect the diminished value of the vehicle as a result of the problems you have encountered EVEN IF YOU ARE NOW OUT OF WARRANTY.

Furthermore, if the vehicle is still relatively new and you are still under manufacturers warranty, you may even be entitled to a new vehicle or a full refund if you qualify under your State Lemon Law.

The bottom line is that transmission troubles need to be taken seriously.  Even if the car is now fixed.  You want to always protect yourself “down the road.”  And yes, the pun was intended.