Ford Escape Drivers Wish They Could Escape Noises

February 22, 2017
By: Robert Silverman

Driving a Ford Escape and wishing you could escape noises in the rear or rattles in the suspension?  You are not alone.  A quick google search reveals that drivers have been complaining of Escape noises for years, dating back to 2013 models.

Click here to read about drivers lamenting of their Escape noises in an 11-page message board thread. And we are continuously receiving calls from folks on the 1 800 LEMON LAW hotline complaining that they cannot escape these constant nuisances either.

Noise claims are not the easiest to prove so how do you deal with a frequently intermittent rattle you may hear in your Escape’s rear, gas tank, or suspension?  Use your smart phone to record the noise and track when you are hearing the noise and where you are hearing the noise.  Are you driving on the highway or in your neighborhood?  Are you going 30 miles per hour or sixty?

The more information you are able to provide the better.  And by all means, do not give up.  We have a client who was consistently mentioning noise from their rear in their 2016 Escape.

After numerous service advisers telling them it’s a common problem and it’s “operating as designed,” they are finally replacing their struts and shocks in an effort to alleviate the issue.  Also, make sure you obtain a warranty repair invoice for each visit to the dealer and you keep those invoices in a safe place.

If you are continuously back to a Ford dealer for Escape noises, it may be time to look at your rights under State Lemon Laws and Federal Warranty Statutes. Click here for a list of firms throughout the Country who might be able “to make some noise” in your claim against Ford.